WASPAA 2021 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY 2021-10-22T20:43:18Z https://waspaa.com/feed/atom/ WordPress admin <![CDATA[Congratulations to the Winners of the Best Paper Awards!]]> http://waspaa.com/?p=1689 2021-10-22T20:43:18Z 2021-10-22T20:43:11Z Several best paper awards have been given at this WASPAA. Other than the traditional Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards, four Special Best Paper awards have been given.


  • Christian J Steinmetz for receiving the Best Student Paper award for the paper “Filtered Noise Shaping for Time Domain Room Impulse Response Estimation From Reverberant Speech”, coauthored with Vamsi Krishna Ithapu and Paul Calamia
  • Krishna Subramani and Paris Smaragdis for receiving the Best Paper award for the paper “Point Cloud Audio Processing”
  • Yu Wang, Nicholas J. Bryan, Justin Salamon, Mark Cartwright and Juan Pablo Bello for receiving the Best Audio Few-Shot Learning Paper award for the paper “Who Calls the Shots? Rethinking Few-Shot Learning for Audio”
  • Yuma Koizumi, Shigeki Karita, Scott Wisdom, Hakan Erdogan, John Hershey, Llion Jones and Michiel Bacchiani for receiving the Best Speech Enhancement Paper award for the paper “DF-Conformer: Integrated Architecture of Conv-TasNet and Conformer Using Linear Complexity Self-Attention for Speech Enhancement”
  • Thomas Dietzen, Enzo De Sena and Toon van Waterschoot for receiving the Best Acoustic Source Localization Paper award for the paper “Low-Complexity Steered Response Power Mapping Based on Nyquist-Shannon Sampling”
  • Eduardo Fonseca, Aren Jansen, Dan Ellis, Scott Wisdom, Marco Tagliasacchi, John Hershey, Manoj Plakal, Shawn Hershey, R. Channing Moore and Xavier Serra for receiving the Best Audio Representation Learning Paper award for the paper “Self-Supervised Learning From Automatically Separated Sound Scenes”



admin <![CDATA[The workshop program is now online!]]> http://www.waspaa.com/?p=1639 2021-09-30T06:51:15Z 2021-09-30T06:50:43Z Available at https://waspaa.com/program/.

admin <![CDATA[Student registrations have been discounted to $20]]> http://www.waspaa.com/?p=1607 2021-09-23T14:04:46Z 2021-09-23T14:04:17Z The registration fee for all students has now been discounted to $20. Register here to attend WASPAA 2021.

admin <![CDATA[Instructions for preparing your presentation now online]]> http://www.waspaa.com/?p=1408 2021-09-10T20:03:46Z 2021-09-10T20:01:19Z Available at https://waspaa.com/information-for-presenters.

admin <![CDATA[WASPAA 2021 will be a fully virtual event]]> http://www.waspaa.com/?p=1375 2021-09-07T07:54:40Z 2021-09-07T07:54:40Z In light of the ongoing difficulties and uncertainty due to COVID-19, we have decided to transition WASPAA to a fully virtual format this year. In the coming days, we will update the website with additional information regarding the virtual format of WASPAA.

admin <![CDATA[General registration is now open for everyone!]]> http://www.waspaa.com/?p=1368 2021-08-09T14:19:43Z 2021-08-09T14:19:34Z Registration information can be found at https://waspaa.com/registration/.

Venue and hotel information can be found at https://www.waspaa.com/venue-and-hotel/.

admin <![CDATA[Book your hotel room at Mohonk!]]> http://www.waspaa.com/?p=1359 2021-07-22T16:12:40Z 2021-07-22T16:12:40Z You can now book hotel rooms at Mohonk at the discounted WASPAA rate here.

admin <![CDATA[Registration is now open]]> http://www.waspaa.com/?p=1355 2021-07-20T14:42:19Z 2021-07-20T14:42:19Z Registration information can be found at https://waspaa.com/registration/.

admin <![CDATA[Instructions for the preparation of the camera-ready paper are now online]]> http://www.waspaa.com/?p=1350 2021-07-16T06:17:20Z 2021-07-16T06:17:20Z Available at https://waspaa.com/submissions/.

admin <![CDATA[Demo guidelines now online!]]> http://www.waspaa.com/?p=1343 2021-06-25T15:50:05Z 2021-06-25T15:50:05Z Demo guidelines now available at https://waspaa.com/demonstrations/.
